Light in the Attic's Liner Notes: Kuni Murai of Alfa Records

In 2018, in honor of our new reissues of prolific musician and producer Haruomi Hosono’s essential albums, we teamed up with dublab and In Sheep’s Clothing’s, a hi-fi bar in downtown Los Angeles, for a night of celebration.
Special guest Kuni Murai — famed producer, composer and founder of Alfa Records, joined dublab’s Mark “Frosty” McNeill for a chat about his decades-long working relationship with Hosono, from his days as a session player to his stratospheric success with Yellow Magic Orchestra and beyond.
Please note, we have removed the music sections due to right's issues.
Photo: Kuni Murai at his Alfa Records office, located directly below the label's famed Studio A in Shibaura, Tokyo.
